My Sweet Torment is more than just a band, it ‘s the secret kept in the bottom of your soul transformed into music, stories, and images!
“My Sweet Torment is more than just a band, it ‘s the secret kept in the bottom of your soul transformed into music, stories and images!” Sef – Eldin
Since 2004 Sef-Eldin, founder of the group, tries to improve all aspects that encompass this experience; and has made a fresh start with everything concerning this band and the style they play! With the help of his teammates and hard work, experience and experimentation they are taking their work into a new direction that makes all elements of the group fascinating and innovative!
In every new job we can see that beyond their sound, there are always soulful little nuances that escape to our ears, that make from the music something more characteristic. If we break down the different projects of the band into several groups, there can be seen that in the heavier music, there is a sinister atmosphere, violent and sweetly emotional that accompanies a story that may be fantasy, but on the other hand it can make us feel identified with some of the characters. All this makes My Sweet Torment different to any other band!
The evolution of the group has been twisted and has made them sweat real blood drops, but finally managed to give life to the album The Last Beating Heart(Electrocardiogram remake of 2005) of which they are very proud. In their previous released albums like Seven or The Last Sunrise, they began to incorporate masks, interpretation in their live concerts, and such… but the group decided to withdraw all that previous work and remake it with the experience and the means they disposed at that moment!
Unfortunately; and for reasons beyond the group, during the period 2012/2014 the group lost part of its members, making it hard to fulfill the task and delaying several projects to date, making the future of the band something uncertain…
After searching for a long time, the band is again complete and ready to be heard! “I did not know what would happen to the group as we only stayed Alejandro, Sylvara and myself. Shortly after, Alex also had to leave us, although he continued to help on some projects like other dear friends. All this led me to the big question of wether I would just go ahead or end up leaving everything aside and devote myself on searching people. And truth to be told, I had no idea on how long it would take me as life situation in general was not very favorable at the time to be thinking on long-term projects. All I could do was to learn from past mistakes and try to make it better by not repeating them!
In a relatively short time the band was finally recovered, integrating Ada as bassist and J. Kalen as rhythm guitar. Even though they had no steady drummer, they began working on all the projects, the former and the new ones, which were still just ideas, to demonstrate that they were stronger than ever and that they had not been left behind despite their lethargy.
After completing the squad of the band, they focussed on giving a facelift to the group, forgetting about all the previous jobs to 2014; this included past concerts, shows, music, … ”There are many bands who are always looking forward and their only concern is to move on and get some new material released by all means. That’s when I decided to continue with My Sweet Torment, it was like a beginning and an awakening. I had all the previous projects before me, how they came and how I really wanted them to be. I deleted almost everything of my mind and thought: we are practically a new band, we re-recorded our first album for our fans, to provide them a superior quality of our old releases by re-doing them and getting something more complete and full of feeling. Why not do the same with the other projects we have? At the time I looked at all the new projects we had in hand and decided to delete all videos , songs, … prior to this project and redo all the work in a more elaborate way, while maintaining the essence of the band. We may take time and not release a record per year as the rest of the bands, but, who cares if the outcome is awesome?!
Seven was a very important album for us, was well received among regular followers and gave way to new ones. In fact, thanks to good reviews on that record we could do our first European Tour in 2011! Yes, it was an album that gave us the opportunity to expand ourselves and go on a European tour, but still we were not quite satisfied with the result, so we were certain about what would be our next target, and undoubtedly our biggest challenge!”
My Sweet Torment has undergone a huge metamorphosis that has left their mark in each of its activities since its inception in 2004. It began as a normal death metal band, with Electrocardiogram, then, in The Last Sunrise there were some dark orchestral atmospheres included; later, these gave way to Seven, which included the well known theatricality and staging during live concerts. Besides, this was their first concept album, not the last though, as the story continues in its remake The Last Beating Heart which held the titles and the bases of the original songs, but totally changed the lyrics making a new story linked up with the former work, Seven!
When we thought this metamorphosis could not be overcome, they decided to give us another surprise by announcing the publication of the stories told in this album on reading books, while keeping the musical genre that characterizes the group!
In my opinion, if you’re a musician, you’re an artist; because art encompasses many fields from music you hear on the record, to the image of the cover, the lives … If we can compose music, make a video or play in a show, why won’t we be able take a further step on our careers and create a book in which the stories of our albums are told?!
If the lyrics / stories of the albums were already interesting, we now have the ability to capture a lot of metaphors, symbolism and different thoughts and impressions of them; making us feel more empathy towards any character of the band…!
…Ten years and 5 albums in its career. My Sweet Torment is still at the beginning of its life, with the compromise and responsibility of making such powerful works.”

2010 SEVEN